Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Giant thanks!

Hey guys! Once again, I hope everyone is having an amazing day so far, and I hope it continues to be amazing. I'm already done with class for the day, and decided that I would just take the time to write to you guys.
I've been noticing, particularly on my last two entries, that I have gotten insane views! So many people have been reading, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me! I appreciate it more than I can say! Maybe you don't even read the blog all the way through, but just the fact that you clicked to take a look makes me want to kiss you all!
Also, to those who have asked for pictures, I'm super excited! I can't wait to meet up with you guys and get started. A huge thanks goes out to you for helping me with my dream, and please let me know if there is ANYTHING you ever need.
This is just a short post to tell you guys that I appreciate you, and I love you. I hope that in the future I write about things that you guys find interesting. If you ever have a topic that maybe you would like for me to talk about, just comment, or message me on Facebook or something. I absolutely love getting feedback and suggestions from you guys!
I hope that you all are finding some of these old posts helpful and/or entertaining. If not, let me know! I'd love some constructive criticism!
Stay Excellent!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Back To School Help

Hello everyone, I hope that you are all having superb first days of school again! I'm sure that it was not too difficult for you. Mostly syllabus day.
Luckily, I use that word very lightly, I have already been going to school. LAST Monday was my first. So, I would like to think that I'm already smarter than you all. I'm an entire week ahead in my gathering of knowledge.
I am totally kidding.
I just wanted to share with you guys some of my wisdom that I have inquired here from this past week, and hopefully it will help you. I wish someone had told me these things back in high school.

1. I know that this sounds so simple, but it really does help. READ. Read everything you can get your hands on, fiction, nonfiction, science fiction, biographies, how to books, cookbooks, comics.
Read a variety of everything. Read some you like, and some you don't like. Why? Because when you read, you slowly get better at it. In college you MUST read. It isn't optional, so if you are used to it, then picking up information from a textbook isn't as hard to do. I find myself reading the same passage in my text books over and over again just because I don't pay attention that well. When you read all the time, this becomes less of a problem. I promise!
Also, my English professor stresses a lot that reading improves your writing. It's true, of course, and in college you are required to write papers for every single class, not just english. So, if you're in college already, or if you're in high school, start reading. Everything.
I am in the middle of a really great memoir/biography thing. I am normally really into reading fiction books, so I went for nonfiction this time. If you're like me, I'd start at a book store in the biographies section and just find someone you find interesting. (Walt Disney, Marylyn Monroe, Mark Twain, etc) I chose Dick Van Dyke, and another book caught my eye that is called "Where You Left Me," by Jennifer Gardner Trulson. It is about a family that loses a Father/husband in the 9/11 tragedy. I can't put it down!

2. Set up an email, and check it every week, if not daily. I understand that maybe you may never receive an email, but just get in the habit of checking an email account everyday. It's like getting into the habit of always checking your Facebook. It's actually super important. Especially if you're in college. This is how all of your professors get information to you. Sometimes it isn't information they discuss in class. Don't end up like me and decide at 11:30 the night before class starts to finally check your email and see assignments that are already posted for the next day. Yeah, that happened.

3. Get used to post it notes, or writing on a calendar. This really helps to see what all you haven't done, what you need to do, what you need to buy, where you need to go when, so on and so forth. I have a calendar that goes by the week. For the first week, I listed my classes, and now that I kind of know where and when they are, I write down when assignments are due. It's a great way to really stress due dates to yourself, and actually visualize how much you have going on.

4. This one might seem super specific, but I'm having a lot of trouble in my Precal class because I never fully grasped the concept of factoring. If you're in high school and you are learning factoring, pay attention. It will come up again...a lot actually. If you already went through high school and you are good at factoring, you should probably still look up some problems and refresh yourself. I had to go back and look at my notes from high school.

5. Stock up on t-shirts!

Really and honestly, I don't know any more than you guys do, these are just some things that I wish I would have done in high school, to get into the habit of doing. A lot of people tell you that you need to develop good study habits, but I think that's a very stupid thing. If you're like me, I went to a high school that seemed to be super easy. I don't know if I just got everything quickly, or if the teachers had to spend too much time reviewing everything for the lazy kids who didn't try, but, I didn't ever really have to study. I could review or look over notes a few minutes before a test and pass just fine. I wasn't ever really too concerned with "acing" tests or assignments. But, why study material that you don't need to study? If I already knew the structure of a sentence, why would I study it for a test? Do you get what I mean? I don't suggest that you force yourself to "study," I suggest that you find topics that you find interesting, and strive to know more about those topics. Do whatever you can to learn more about things that you actually want to know about. Like, if you are a giant soccer fan, go read books about soccer, go watch soccer films, look up soccer information on the internet. The possibilities are really endless. But, really that's all college is. You want to learn more about something, so you pay to take a class. It just makes sense to me.
I do hope that you all reading this find it to be somewhat helpful, and I really hope everyone has an amazing school year! I'd love to hear fun first day stories!
Stay Excellent!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

C'mon ya'll!

Hello everyone reading this! I hope that you are all having a splendid day! :)
I am just going to get right to the topic at hand!
As some of you may know, I am hoping to one day really be serious with my photography, BUT in order to do that, I need a website, and in order to have a website I need photos of more than just 4 or 5 people. So, I'm making a deal with you all. Here it is:
I will charge a flat out rate of $50 for a "session" and prints. I will take as many pictures as I can, edit the ones that turn out right (15-20 photos) and print the edited photos for you (just at Walmart, sorry) for just $50.
I know that you might think Walmart printing is crappy, well it surely isn't the best, BUT $50 won't buy the best quality printing. I apologize.
I am willing to travel to you. I am willing to work around schedules (as long as you can work around mine) Really and truthfully, I am asking you guys to help me out here! I need more photos to display!
If you are interested please please contact me on Facebook, if you have me as a friend there, if not feel free to add me as a friend! Or I can be contacted always through email. I will attach my info down at the bottom.
I really appreciate you guys. Even if you can't spend the $50 to have pictures of you and your best friends or you and your boyfriend, etc, I appreciate you all supporting me by looking at the things I post on Facebook. I really can't tell you how much the likes and comments and views mean to me.
Thanks again you guys!
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day/week/month/year!
If you have any questions, just ask!

Also, if you aren't interested, but you know of someone who might be, please share my blog with them! And let them know about this. Feel free to repost the link to my blog anywhere ;D (a little shameless self promotion never hurt anyone)

speak words at me ya'll:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Not so peachy; Day 2

I'm so contradicting.
I'm just going to start this blog off by saying that, outright, and blatantly. I am contradicting, like Starbursts. *thumbs up*
So, my previous blog was about how great and wonderful college was and how much I loved my dorm, and my roommates and everything was sunshine and rainbows. According to the way I started this post off, I am sure you can guess what this one is going to be about.

Day 2:
It started at 6:45 am. Tyler was experiencing a thunder storm. This was no ordinary thunder storm though. I like to refer to it as an "I just pee'd my pants/wheres my stuffed animal/crawl in your mommy's bed storm"
I just watched the lightning, listened, to the thunder, and tried to refrain from knocking on my roommate's door and asking for a cuddle buddy. I sat until about 8:30 am until I finally snuggled my stuffed animal Simba, and drifted back to sleep.
I woke up at 10:00 and took a shower. Today, I had a few things to do. I needed to go to the bookstore and get my books for class, that starts on Monday. I needed to go and pick up an iPad that the school was supplying me for my Biology class this semester. I also needed to go to the grocery store and pick up snack foods so I can easily gain my freshman 15!
I walked from my dorm, to the welcome center to get a map to find the business building. Then I walked all the way across campus to my car and drove around for about 15 minutes trying to find the building. When I found it, and went inside, I only saw empty classrooms. I walked around for a while, until I finally found an office with someone inside. Little did I know, but this was actually a sauna. I swear it was 100 degrees inside that office. The guy at the desk had no idea what I was talking about. He thought I was just being pranked or something. So, I left the business building with no iPad. I called my mom and she helped me discover where I needed to go, but apparently they were only assigning iPads from 1:00 to 5:00, so I decided I would try to go get my groceries and waste some time before I could try to find the right spot again.
I went to the closest walmart and got out of my car to be greeted by a woman at the door yelling "WE'RE CLOSED"
Walmart?! Closed?! I know. My thoughts exactly. My guess is that the storm knocked out their power, but maybe I'm wrong. I don't know.
So, then I went to Brookshire Brother's and got my groceries. My estimate is that I had about $30 worth of snacks. I didn't have very much! I waited in line, and waited...and waited. It looked like the girl who was working the cash register had no idea what she was doing, so I waited for about 10 minutes and then found a different line to wait in. Once again, I waited and waited...and waited. I noticed that every line seemed to be backing up. They were apparently having some computer problems. After standing in line for 30 more minutes, I was informed that the computers weren't accepting debit or credit cards. I live in the 21st century, so of course that was my only way of paying for my $30 worth of groceries.
I left Brookshire's without any food in hand. I then went to Target and had to re-shop for everything and pay for it there. Luckily, I was able to get them that time.
When I got back to campus, I decided to go get my books from the bookstore. I went in and told them my name, and told them that I had ordered them online, so they went to look in the back room and came back telling me that they couldn't find them. I told them my name again and luckily she found them this time. But, she came back saying I hadn't paid for them yet. I had to walk all the way back to my dorm room (on the 5th floor, by the way) and get my credit card, and come back to pay for them. Then I took my roommate with me to find the business building, and she showed me exactly where I needed to go to get my iPad. It was only a few doors away from the sauna office.
So, that was my day. It started out pretty crumby, but it slowly got better.
I realize now that not every day is going to be peaches and cream. I am going to have ups and downs. I prefer the ups, as does everyone. I still love it here, and I still love my roommates. I have everything I need now. So, maybe it will get easier from here on out.
I hope none of you had experiences like this, but if you did, I'd love to hear about them. It feels good to rant for a while
Stay Excellent

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Adventures!

I am sitting all alone in my brand new house! (it's just a dorm, don't get excited) This is my first night in Ornelas Hall at UT Tyler, and I have to say, after all the stress and confusion today, I love where I am. My dorm looks so nice and homey, and I just feel very nice here. It doesn't feel as foreign as I thought it would. I am already falling in love with it really!
My roommates are very very sweet people, in fact, you should be jealous because they aren't YOUR roommates. Meh!
If you know me, you know that I'm not the type of person to just go out and introduce myself to random people on the street, so today was a bit of a challenge for me. Every where I turned there was an eager beaver freshmen waiting to say hi and slap me a high-five, or flash a smile. But everyone here is super nice, and my "elders" (I guess I could call them that) are really good at explaining things to me. If I don't understand something, I can just ask someone who looks like they know what they are doing, and they will definitely help me out!
I love campus too! It's so beautiful! Every time my dad has come for a visit, he comments on how pretty the campus is. My response? "well yeah dad, I was going to school in a dumpster"Oh, I'm so funny.
The only thing I don't like so far is that I am here by myself with nothing to do, and I don't have any option but to sit. I mean, earlier I went out and got some ice-cream with my roommates and we had fun, but other times, (like now when my roommates are both gone) I don't have anything to do but sit here and play on my computer and eat Pringles. (freshman 15? ha! more like freshman 5,000) just kidding, if anyone sees me gaining that much weight, please tell me to lay off the Pringles.
I just want to go on and on about how great it is here, but I also don't want to jinx it! It's only my first night you know?
Goodnight lovelies!