Monday, October 1, 2012

Rants for the Ants

Hello once again strangers,
I apologize (again) for not having written in a long time, but recently I've found myself just extremely angry at life, and if you're angry then everything you write is just going to come off sounding like a rant. I figured I would safe you guys the annoyance of having to read just another ranting blog, but I really don't care anymore. I'm angry and I want to write. If you have a problem with this rant, then I suggest you stop reading here.

Just a few things I've noticed recently that make me extremely angry:

1. Most of you know that I am dating a young man named Jordan. He and I have been together for 8 months now, and I really love him. He's the sweetest little sweet tart I've ever met. (Which he will probably be extremely embarrassed by this post, so don't tell him, shh!) If you've ever seen Jordan, you know that he has gages, and piercings. I honestly don't even notice them, its just a part of his face. But, what makes me so furious is people blatantly making faces at him like "oh my gosh, that boy has ears that are not of normal size, he must be a criminal, and a delinquent, and he must worship Satan"
...screw you all, honestly
Especially this specific instance:
Jordan and I were in Walmart in the customer service section, and some disgustingly trashy woman who was waiting on food stamps or a money order or whatever, was giving Jordan "the face." This woman was wearing pajamas, had no shoes on, smelled like drugs, and kept her dirty money in her bra. WHO ARE YOU TO MAKE FACES AT SOMEONE?!
I cannot tell you how angry it makes me. Open your eyes people, he has his stinking ears pierced! He doesn't kill small children.

2. I have no friends. This is an outright fact. In my free time, I enjoy trying new makeup styles, and doing different things with my hair, so I decided I would treat myself to a trip to Sally's and get a few hair things. I picked up a can of hairspray, some dye, a dying bowl, and a dying brush. My total came to $23. I don't have $23 on my own personal debit card, so I decided to use my mom's credit card. (don't worry I had permission) When I showed the cashier my card, she asked for my ID, I explained to her that it was my mom's card, so our first names aren't the same, but our last names were obviously both ASHBY. She refused my payment, so I had to leave all of my stuff there. Total trip wasted. I don't understand why they wouldn't accept it, when our last names are the same. It seems very unnecessary to me, or why wasn't there a sign saying it before I went and spent 15 minutes looking for all the things I needed?

3. This one isn't so much anger inducing as it is annoying. If the speed limit is 70, and you decide that you want to cruise at about 45...MOVE OUT OF THE WAY. Especially on a two lane highway where I can't get around you. Just get onto the shoulder and I will pass you and you'll never have to see me again. It's so simple! I do it for the people going faster than me, why does no one seem to return the favor??, I actually feel better
Feedback; what makes you guys mad? annoyed? angry? etc.
Let me know! Ranting makes you feel so much better!
Until next time, stay excellent.