Monday, February 21, 2011

My attempts.

I have attempted (key word) to make myself a Tumblr. I don't even know what I am doing!!! Technology is so over my head! I am just a dumb. Whatever. By looking at my last post, I see that there are zero comments, which I take to mean that there are zero views. Okay. Can't say I didn't expect it. I just saw it and it felt a little like getting punched in the gut. Never really been punched in the gut, but hey, I am just assuming.
So I guess now this gives me the freedom to talk about some deep stuff. No one will ever see it :) muahaha!
Does anyone else feel like at times you really have NO ONE to talk to? all. Really really really alone? I guess it's just my teenage hormones talking here, but I really have gotten to where I absolutely hate getting out of bed, simply because I have to go be around people that don't want to talk to me. They actually want nothing to do with me, which feels great. You know. I am extremely dramatic, and quite the whiner, but I really mean this in a sincere "I don't know what I am doing wrong" type of way. Not the norm of "aw waaa, no friends, boo!" sob story kind of way. I really don't understand what's going on. Everyone just kind of abandoned me at the same time. Bad timing? yeah :) that's it

Topic of the day:
I believe today I will talk about...AH! It's maddening! I just had like 10 topics on my mind that I thought "I should blog about that" but...they all seemed to slip out of my head. That is dandy. Why is it that everyone is like "time goes by so fast, when you graduate you will wonder where it all went!"
weeeelll...I am a junior now. It seems like I've been a junior for 2348432165160 years. I want to graduate so bad! Especially now that it is getting to that time of year when all the seniors do special things. Like take a "panoramic photo," because my school is gay like that. They are ordering cap and gowns. They are...skipping on TAKS testing days. *sigh

ANYWAY. I think since I have forgotten every single thought in my head, and no one will read this anyway, that I will be done with it for today. Stay excellent.

Monday, February 14, 2011

annnd action!

Well Hello there! This is my first "official" blog ever! Is it really sad that I am excited? I don't even know where to begin! I guess I should start this off by saying that the reason I am doing this, is because I got completely inspired by Sherri Dupree Bemis' Tumblr (?) I think it was a tumblr, but honestly I have no idea. I am a HUGE Eisley fan, my friend just sent me a link to her blog, and I completely swallowed the thing whole in like 4.76 seconds! She is such a clever and quirky person. I've also recently been told that I act a lot like she does? by some friends that are the creepy stalker type material of, they should know. I decided that I would start my own, mostly for my own entertainment, but also for others? maybe? if anyone decides to read it. Probably not, but for my own sake, I will say that people are going to read this.

I hope to keep this thing going, and keep everyone *cough* myself *cough* entertained with the events and happenings in my life, and maybe one day I will come back and look and be able to laugh at the crazy stupid things I said. Think of it as a diary almost, but...out on the interweb where everyone can read it :) super creepy when you think about it.

so, it is February the 14th (Valentine's Day) 2011, and I am sitting here at the computer eating Easy Mac and texting random hooligans. There isn't really anything specific I wish to type about today, besides the obvious...VALENTIME DAY (duh duh) Don't you love it when people refer to it as Valentime's Day? Like we are in 1st grade or something? Just like "New Years Day"? I am pretty sure on January 1st, I was only celebrating one New Year...buuuut whatever. Whoa, get off topic why don't you?
So, I saw nothing but stuffed teddy bears, red and pink carnations, and valentine's cards today in the halls of Hudson High. Everyone seems to have very strong opinions for today. They either love it or hate it. I find it funny. What did you guys all do for that special someone today? Roses? A nice poem? Those heart shaped boxes filled with various chocolates that you have to bite into just to discover that they all taste disgusting before putting them back, half-eaten? I can't lie, I am normally the one that eats every single one of those chocolates. They are good. Don't judge me. To the few people who do not loathe Valentine's me chocolate?

Oh, and Happy Birthday Rebekah Leigh :)