I have attempted (key word) to make myself a Tumblr. I don't even know what I am doing!!! Technology is so over my head! I am just a dumb. Whatever. By looking at my last post, I see that there are zero comments, which I take to mean that there are zero views. Okay. Can't say I didn't expect it. I just saw it and it felt a little like getting punched in the gut. Never really been punched in the gut, but hey, I am just assuming.
So I guess now this gives me the freedom to talk about some deep stuff. No one will ever see it :) muahaha!
Does anyone else feel like at times you really have NO ONE to talk to? like...at all. Really really really alone? I guess it's just my teenage hormones talking here, but I really have gotten to where I absolutely hate getting out of bed, simply because I have to go be around people that don't want to talk to me. They actually want nothing to do with me, which feels great. You know. I am extremely dramatic, and quite the whiner, but I really mean this in a sincere "I don't know what I am doing wrong" type of way. Not the norm of "aw waaa, no friends, boo!" sob story kind of way. I really don't understand what's going on. Everyone just kind of abandoned me at the same time. Bad timing? yeah :) that's it
Topic of the day:
I believe today I will talk about...AH! It's maddening! I just had like 10 topics on my mind that I thought "I should blog about that" but...they all seemed to slip out of my head. That is dandy. Why is it that everyone is like "time goes by so fast, when you graduate you will wonder where it all went!"
weeeelll...I am a junior now. It seems like I've been a junior for 2348432165160 years. I want to graduate so bad! Especially now that it is getting to that time of year when all the seniors do special things. Like take a "panoramic photo," because my school is gay like that. They are ordering cap and gowns. They are...skipping on TAKS testing days. *sigh
ANYWAY. I think since I have forgotten every single thought in my head, and no one will read this anyway, that I will be done with it for today. Stay excellent.
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