Hello all!
I am coming to you from my husband's childhood bedroom...ha! We are staying the weekend at the in-laws house and since it is 1:00 in the morning my husband is sleeping...like most "normal" folks at this time. I'm just sitting in bed contemplating all of the things I need to get done/forget to get done/etc. You know how it goes. But I just had a thought...you know what's amazing? Being able to talk about my great God with my husband. (When he's awake of course)
I say this just because, a majority of my relationships in the past have not been centered around Christ...which isn't right. I've even dated quite a few people that don't even believe in God. So when I would express my faith they would just find ways to shoot it down and tell me I was wrong. Now that I am married to a wonderful Christian man, I have the great ability of going to him with my problems and him telling me "give it to God"
As most-if not all- of you know, I suffer with depression. The only solution to that is maybe some medication and some therapy, but mainly. .Jesus Christ. I have to be willing to give everything up to God fully in order to have this enemy lifted off of me. If that makes sense...basically I'm just bragging on my Super cool husband and I think it's absolutely awesome that Sam and I can have deep intellectual conversations about God and not have to worry about what I say or do, because Sam's faith is much stronger than mine is, so I know he won't judge me at all.
This post may seem very scattered and might not make much sense to you, but I'm really just happy I found a guy that will be willing to pray for me instead of trying to fix circumstances that can't be fixed by a worldly solution.
I don't know if this makes sense to you, but it does to me and I am so happy to call sam my husband.
As always,
Stay excellent
PS: I am typing this on my phone which is a new android phone, so I apologize for all the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes I may have made. This keyboard is hard you guys!!!
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