Friday, July 13, 2012

Oriental Orientation

It's Friday the 13th. Did you know that? I actually was unaware of the fact until about 5 seconds ago. I always have this weird feeling in my stomach when I finally realize it's Friday the 13th, and then within a minute I completely forget what day it is due to some stupid distraction i.e. a butterfly, a dog playing with a toy, a noise, etc. For those of you who were unaware today is Friday the 13th of the year 2012...
oh, butterfly!

The reason I am blogging today, is not due to the creepy date. I just arrived back home from my college orientation! Joy! Rapture! yeaahhhh...
not at all
I first arrived at orientation and went to check into the dorm I was staying in for the night. My roommate (who is not going to be living with me this year, she was just my temporary roommate for the night) was already there unpacking some of her things. I gave her a simple "hello" to which she responded "hey, my name is Jessica." I know that doesn't seem strange, but the way she said it made it sound more like "hiiii-ey, my-e, nayme, es, Jeessicaaaah" I can't even describe the way it sounded, actually. Needless to say, I didn't say anything else. I started unpacking my things in the silence. She eventually left with a "Bye! It was nice to meet you!"
The rest of the day was completely uneventful. I was in a class all day. The day was literally one big lecture about things I already knew. To top off all the suck, everyone I met was on a sports team, which doesn't seem like a big deal, but they already all knew each other. It also made me feel like quite the bum.
Almost every conversation I had that day went a little something like this:

anonymous peer: Hey what's your name?!
me: I'm Hannah
anonymous peer: oh awesome! I'm *insert anonymous peer's name* Where are you from?!
me: I'm from Lufkin
anonymous peer: ...oh, where's that?
me: it's like an hour north of Houston
anonymous peer: oh yeah! I know Houston! I'm from Australia
me: wow...that's extremely far
anonymous peer: yeah, right?! so, what's your major?
me: I'm actually undecided right now
anonymous peer: oh man, that's cool. I'm pre-med.
me: that's really cool
anonymous peer: are you playing any sports?!
me: nahh, I'm not very athletic. are you?
anonymous peer: oh not many, just golf, soccer, volleyball, softball, water polo, track, and lacrosse
me: ...I have to go to the bathroom

and scene.

Okay, so no one told me they were from Australia, but they were from totally cooler places than Lufkin. It was just a bad day altogether. Mom and I ended up leaving early due to a "family emergency"

Don't get me wrong, I met some awesome people. I'm pretty sure this one girl I met is going to be my closest friend this year. She was the only one I found who did not play a sport or plan to major in "extreme." Going to orientation is really actually a smart choice, because you meet new people and you learn new things that you might need to know.
I, however, have an older sister that already went through college orientation, so I know the general idea of the freshman college experience.

The moral of this story? When in an awkward situation, go to the bathroom.
Stay wonderful!

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