Thursday, July 26, 2012


Good afternoon my fellow citizens of America! How are you all doing on this fine Thursday?
I'm procrastinating just a tiny bit. I have a banquet to attend tonight, I should be getting dressed, but I'm playing with my hair, makeup, and What can I say, I just love being silly you guys.
About a month ago, I went to my hair dresser (I use that term very very lightly considering that I've only ever seen her twice in my life) and asked her to dye my hair red. Of course, my super fine hair didn't take the color well, so my roots were fire engine red and the ends were all just blah brown. I was extremely disappointed and still had to pay the $75 for a cut and color. Which was totally not my hair dresser's fault. I feel weird typing the word's hair dresser. From now on, I'm just going to call her Stacy. That's her name.
So, Stacy told me to come back when the little red I had faded, and we'd try again. Within A WEEK, it had faded. Which, if you've ever had red hair, you know that it fades extremely fast. I just expected a little longer than a week to enjoy my red do. So, I went back in to see Stacy and she got a new dye and tried it out and it worked so well! I was so happy with my red hair! Yay! Go Stacy, go! But of course like all red heads, it eventually faded. Last night, I was feeling a little ambitious, so I went to Target and purchased the cheap $12 do it yourself dye. It was Feria brand I believe. But, I did all of the stuff and dyed my own hair, and it actually turned out just perfect. I'm happy with the result. But, I'm also slowly learning that red hair is a task to keep up with.
Just a few things I've learned:
1. You CANNOT wash your hair everyday and expect to keep red color. It just won't happen
2. Sulfate free shampoo is your friend.
3. Spending time and money on hair...well, you wanted it red, that's what you get

It is a ton of work keeping my hair up to it's beautiful Ariel the mermaid red color that I have so happily achieved, but I am just telling you guys, if you're ever thinking of going red, but you don't want to spend the time or money, then don't. You won't be satisfied with the result and it's just disappointing to dye your hair, and have it fade within a week.
So, I'm back to my red-headed-no-fade-self, and I am loving it! I even loved it so much, I did a "how to" video and posted it on youtube. woo! Go me!
^^^ that's a link to my video, if you get bored enough to watch
and my red hair that I am oh so proud of... yayyy :)

I hope you all are having wonderful days, my loves.
Stay Excellent!

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