Saturday, February 4, 2012

How Embarrassing...

WELL, it has almost been an entire year since my first post on here, and still ZERO VIEWS. I really am laughing about this, because it's hilarious. Let's see, what has changed. I am a full year older. I am getting ready to graduate high school, got accepted into the college of my dreams. woo!
I went back and read over the things that I posted last year and I love how carefree and happy I sounded. It's so much fun. I mean, I'm still pretty carefree and happy, just a little more stressed.
Funny story:
Yesterday I was sitting in class thinking about all the things that were stressing me out. Like, one of my favorite teachers recently got fired, and I had a test in my college class that day, and applying for housing at college...the list goes on and on and on. And then I received a text message from my boyfriend, now ex, that said he wanted to break up. First of all, if you ever feel the need to break up with someone via text...DON'T. That's pretty much the worst. I immediately wanted to cry. I hate crying in front of people though, so I got up and asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom. She looked at me kind of funny and said "are you okay?" and immediately the tears started flowing. My breathing started getting faster and faster and I suddenly felt light-headed. I just said "I don't feel right...and I'm scared." Luckily, the class I was in was in the health building, so we were surrounded by health supplies. She ran and got me and wheelchair, and one of my classmates had to wheel me to the nurse's office while I hyperventilated. By the time I got to the nurse I was gasping for breath, and shaking. I couldn't feel my hands, and I couldn't see anything.
Turns out, I was just having a panic attack...but, I can honestly say that is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to far.

That entire story just really shows that stress can damn well near kill anyone. It's really important to find something to help you channel your stress, whether this be reading, doing excersize, punching small children in the face...anything.
I personally enjoy taking pictures. Any chance I get :)
It seems to make me happy.

Anyway, I guess that's all I wanted to share. I just wanted to share my embarrassment. Oh shucks...
stay excellent.