Friday, September 14, 2012


I am of course starting this entry out with an apology. It has been quite some time since the last time I have written to you guys, and for that I do sincerely apologize. I haven't been quite myself recently. First I was sick, and then I was just down in the dumps. I haven't really felt much like writing, so I am sad. But, I'm back in the saddle again and ready to write! Woo.
I am starting to really get the hang of this whole "college" thing. My daily routine looks a little something like this:

9:55 wake up
9:56 realize you're almost late for class
10:00 make it to class just in time
10:50 wake up and realize that class is over
11:00-12:50 sit in my room, watch King of The Hill, munch on animal crackers, and drink Red Bull
1:00-3:00 classes that I hate
3:00-bedtime King of the Hill on rerun

...and that's just Monday, wednesday, and Friday!
Isn't life just peachy? notice that I didn't put any time for "hang out with my totally awesome friends" in there. Why? Because I have absolutely no friends. really.
ZERO FRIENDS. I talk to no one during the week. On the weekends I will go to Longview and hang out with my boyfriend, but during the week, I'm a freak.
It's sad really.

But hey! Everyone else I see on Facebook seems to be having an awesome time at their schools and jobs and what not! Which is a happy thing! I'm very glad that everyone seems to be doing well at the college of their choosing.

Okay, okay, all of the whining aside, I am still looking for beautiful faces to take pictures of, and a little birdy told me that you have a beautiful face. (*wink) I have decided that next semester I am going to go for my BFA which is a bachelor of fine arts for those of you who do not know, and in order to actually get into the BFA program, I have to put together a portfolio. I really need some pictures to go in my portfolio! These are going to be super fun to take, because they can be totally weird and artsy looking! Yay! If you would be interested in that, please let me know! I can be reached via Facebook, or my new email which is

I guess that is all that is needed to be said here. If you are ever bored please text me, I can honestly say that I am not doing anything.
Stay Excellent!

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