Friday, December 7, 2012

That's what you want?!

Hello everyone,
Just going to start this one off by saying that I am fine. For those of you who know what is going on, I'm doing well considering the circumstances, and thank you to those who have sent me a text or given me a call. I really appreciate it.
Also, I'm glad to see that my last post got so many hits. That was a very different entry for me, but I feel like everyone can relate to it, so I'm glad you all had a look at it.
I am a huge internet user. I can stay on the internet just doing random things for hours and hours on end...literally. I have Facebook and I watch YouTube videos like crazy. I enjoy the sites with stupid memes on them, I like looking up DIY projects. I pin like crazy on Pinterest. I could really do anything on the internet to occupy my time, but recently I have just become so angry at what I've been seeing.
I saw a link on my Facebook that was a picture captioned "every guy's dream girl" and of course my curiosity got the best of me, so I clicked on it.
The picture was a half-dressed girl playing some type of video game while smoking a bong.

THAT'S every guys dream girl?

I don't even know where to begin...
First of all, how shallow do you have to be to post something like that. Honestly, if those are the two traits that every guy is looking for, then we are all doomed to hell.
whatever happened to being attracted to someone for their beautiful smile? Or their bubbly personality?
NAAAHHH, I'd rather be with a really dumb girl that smokes weed and plays video games naked in her spare time.

Also, what kind of girl poses for these pictures?
Girls, if you have any respect for yourself, just stop.
I am getting so worked up over this just thinking about it that I don't know what to say, but really there are so many really disgusting pictures out there on the internet, and the people that post them...I can't imagine how scummy they are. It almost makes me sad that this is what the world has come to. Call me "old-fashioned" but I am looking for a gentleman, and I would not even CONSIDER dating someone that just wanted a girl that smokes and plays video games. Or that posts retarded things on the internet.
My rant is now over.
I'd really like to know you guy's opinions on this topic. I mean, I've seen some pretty nasty things out there. Am I wrong?
I hope you all are having wonderful days and such. I'd really like to hear from you. If you have any requests on a blog entry I should do, I would be glad to take suggestions!
I love you all, and if you haven't read my last entry (these things happen) maybe you should! It really brightened my day.
Stay Excellent!

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