Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nuclear Bombs at Night

It is exactly 3:51 in the morning on July 10 of the year 2012. I'M AWAKE, and very much so. I feel like I could stay up all night and not be tired tomorrow either. What will probably happen is, I'll crash about 6:00am and then sleep until lunch time. Then I'll wake up and be extremely sour because I "wasted a day sleeping"
I hate sleeping lately. It seems like such a waste of time. I do my most creative things at night. Hoo Hoo. That was me making an owl noise. (geerr)
Speaking of sleeping, everyone in my house-and by everyone I mean my parents- is asleep at this moment in time. I have no problem with this considering that most normal Americans are asleep at this time because they have work in the morning. They aren't all crazy teens, or unemployed immigrants, or weirdos...ahem.
My parents are asleep. They will not be awoken. Not by me. No sir. I'm not facing the wrath of the sleepy mother. Isn't that one of the ten commandments? Thou shalt not wake a sleeping parent? Maybe I made that one up.
It seems like the more quiet I try to be, the louder I am. Like now, I'm gently pressing the keys down on my keyboard, yet it sounds like;
My footsteps down the hallway sound like nuclear bombs going off! It always seems that way though. Whenever you need to be the most quiet, you just sound like a one man band.
You're in church?
try sneezing without waking all the sleeping congregation to stare at you
Oh, you're in  class?
here's a fart that won't be silent even if you sew your butt cheeks together


Since we've gone with the whole "sleeping" theme for this post, here's a random fact about sleeping:
" Teenagers need as much sleep as small children (about 10 hrs) while those over 65 need the least of all (about six hours). For the average adult aged 25-55, eight hours is considered optimal"

Don't really have anything to say about that one, but there it is.

I suppose it's time for me to get some sleep. I will be working on a new blog tomorrow and I'm really excited about it. I've got my lighting situation figured out! (thank God) and also I am very excited to welcome a new tripod and a new lens into my camera family. *tear* I'm just so happy!

Goodnight my excellent friends,

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